Online article is not difficult to write as it is based on practical life experience or first hand knowledge about tangible items or intangibles like services or anything but touching or feeling. This could be research work or reviews, mostly interesting ingredients in it matter, ranging from poetic philosophical to scientific inventions. For example, I write mostly on socio-economic and business matters as I am used to it while dealing with my students and this is my knack so to say. On the other hand people who are not in education, my friends, are writing on recipes on various food experimentation and tastes. But don’t you ever confused this online articles with professional articles that we publish in the professional journals, as those articles require strict guidelines and formats to write, those guidelines and formats are mandatory to obey, otherwise, it would be rejected from being published. To conclude, it is the feeling you have inside to write, if you enjoy writing do it now, if you are not sure, I guarantee just take a deep breath and start writing anything you like just keep rolling!
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